Rain was falling across Maine on Monday combining with melting snow, prompting a flood watch for much of interior Maine as ...
While several properties in West Eugene saw considerable flooding, Douglas County as a whole saw major flooding that ...
Excessive runoff of rain and melted snow may result in flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and ...
A preparedness exercise last week with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers simulated how the region would respond to a storm as ...
The U.S. has paused negotiations with Canada on a keystone management plan that governs flood control, water supply and ...
The history of our area is punctuated by floods that have ravished the area from time to time. The worst of them being the ...
Snowmelt, the single biggest predictor of the river's spring flood risk, won't play a big role this year as there wasn't much snow to begin with across the river basin.
Mayors of cities and towns along the Mississippi River are lobbying Congress for help to decrease flood risks.
Dry and unfrozen soils along the Mississippi River and its tributaries in Iowa and Illinois have soaked up recent rain.