The cause of the fire was not determined. On October 23, the scuba diving vessel Seaduction struck coral and sank near Elba Reef in the Red Sea near the Egypt-Sudan border, carrying 18 French ...
The Red Sea is one of the youngest oceans in the world ... Dive category: This is a scientific reef dive which involves taking specimens of the coral. Access: Very few dive companies operate ...
An exploratory expedition describes two deep-sea, low oxygen ecosystems in the Red Sea, including some surprising fish.
Oren Levy from Bar-Ilan University, in collaboration with an international team of researchers, has uncovered a significant pause in coral reef growth in the Gulf of Eilat/Aqaba, northern Red Sea ...
The coral reef systems of the Al Wajh lagoon on the Red Sea, the world's fourth largest barrier reef system, are estimated to host approximately 210 species of hard corals and 120 species of soft ...