Terms like “environmental racism” or “environmental justice” were not yet part of the national lexicon when the Rev. Martin ...
What are you currently researching? My doctoral research explores themes of injustice, activism, and resistance. More specifically, I seek to answer the question – ‘How should citizens remedy social ...
The problem is that every little tiff, conflict, or blip in the road of my life has to be turned into something larger than ...
Instead of creating a community in which life can be enjoyed by all, Dickens highlights the injustice of wealth distribution. How does Dickens show this? In Stave I Scrooge is asked to make a ...
Martin Luther King Jr. popularized the term ‘beloved community’ and gave it his own meaning. But the still-cited phrase was ...
There has always been a segment of the political class that has maintained power by keeping people frightened and angry enough to vote accordingly when they are promised protection. The United States ...
The service at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta was among the most prominent commemorations of Martin Luther King Jr.
The week will focus on Meditations on Democracy, inviting dialogue about King's work and vision on civil rights, social justice and activism.
Empire and injustice are not abstract concepts – they ... After all, activism and social change require deep sensibility as well as ongoing political analysis. Political literacy is very much ...
It’s very rare that hunger gets adequate media coverage so most people are uninformed about this social injustice. Hunger is escalating worldwide because of wars and climate change. As the UN ...