The bright LED lights are mounted on the side of traffic poles and light up when the traffic signals going in that specific direction are red. There is a red indicator light, which indicates a ...
A decade into a plan to make downtown Albuquerque safer for people walking and riding bikes, the city is now planning to shut down some traffic lights near Civic Plaza. Soon, some stop lights in ...
stopping all but one direction of traffic rather than actually allowing an attacker more control. So next time you’re fuming as you’re stuck at an eternally red light, just relax and think ...
sometimes only to realize later the car was not on an emergency mission when it stopped at a red traffic signal. “If the way the red light blinks is changed, it will help eliminate anxiety ...
As Indiana implements speed cameras for the first time, the decades-long conversation over automated traffic enforcement cameras is resurfacing ... wrote an op-ed in the IndyStar advocating for the ...