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Along the ground, they noticed a yellow sea creature with dozens of tentacles. It turned out to be a new species. Researchers visited several sites in the western end of the Mediterranean Sea between ...
The sea cucumber’s color is “unique,” researchers said, and its smaller number of tentacles (15 compared to 18 found in other related species) sets the animal apart. The species earns its name from a ...
Courtesy Andrea Quattrini A new small sea creature was discovered during a ... mcfaddenae is a new species of soft coral that has a yellow center and long polyps with tentacles, according to ...
Eunice siphoninsidiator, or the tube ambushing marine bristle worm, was discovered within the structure of glass sponges by a ...
A “highly venomous” 3-foot creature was found on a beach in ... officials said. The yellow-bellied sea snake was found alive under a log on Honoli’i Beach on the island of Hawaii, according ...
A new small sea creature was discovered during a recent offshore expedition near the Alabama coast, scientists said. Parasphaerasclera mcfaddenae is a new species of soft coral that has a yellow ...