“The shofar is just a part of Yom Kippur,” said Schwartz ... Recent years have seen a new twist in the practice of blowing the shofar: Jewish punk bands incorporating the sound into their ...
As Yom Kippur ends in Tel Aviv, a young girl asks her father a poignant question: 'Why are the protesters shouting 'shame' to the shofar?' ...
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It marks the beginning of the High Holy Days ('Days of Awe'), a 10-day period which ends with the holiday of Yom Kippur ...
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CHARLIE: The blowing of the shofar starts a ten-day period. This ends with Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year. Many Jewish people like my dad fast for 25 hours and spend most of the day praying.
CHARLIE: The blowing of the shofar starts a ten-day period. This ends with Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year. Many Jewish people like my dad fast for 25 hours and spend most of the day praying.