A first-ever analysis of the whole Greenland shark genome gives researchers a couple of clues to their longevity.
Greenland sharks are large, mysterious creatures that roam the chilly waters of the north Atlantic and Arctic oceans. These ...
Typically, sharks are finned alive—brought aboard fishing vessels to have their fins sliced off, then thrown back into the sea, where they suffocate ... Although over 100 shark species appear ...
Researchers urge stronger protections like fishing limits and habitat conservation to prevent further decline in shark ...
roughly translates to “great-nosed sea monster” in Greek. In reality, these placid sharks, found the world over, are totally harmless. One of only three filter-feeding shark species ...
A new-to-science species of ancient shark was recently discovered in Mammoth ... worms and small brachiopods found along the sea floor. The new species was identified by researches through ...
New assessments by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) show 316 chondrichthyan speciessharks, rays and skates, and chimaeras – are now threatened with extinction. “These ...