A first-ever analysis of the whole Greenland shark genome gives researchers a couple of clues to their longevity.
New species of shark, sea butterfly, mud dragon, bamboo coral, water bear, octocoral, and shrimp were just some of the marine ...
Greenland sharks are large, mysterious creatures that roam the chilly waters of the north Atlantic and Arctic oceans. These ...
Typically, sharks are finned alive—brought aboard fishing vessels to have their fins sliced off, then thrown back into the sea, where they suffocate ... Although over 100 shark species appear on the ...
The sparkling blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea are home to over 700 varieties of fish and almost 10 per cent of the world's marine species ... The great white shark is most commonly associated ...
roughly translates to “great-nosed sea monster” in Greek. In reality, these placid sharks, found the world over, are totally harmless. One of only three filter-feeding shark species ...
The Ocean Census has discovered over 800 new marine species, including the rare guitar shark, through global expeditions and ...
Scientists found a “large”-eyed sea creature ... discovered a new species. Photo from Getty Images / iStockphoto Near an island in the South Pacific Ocean, a bright red sea creature with ...