Recent scientific research suggests that natural phenomena may explain the biblical account of Moses parting the Red Sea.
Both Christian and Jewish people regard Moses’ parting the Red Sea as one of the most impressive miracles of God — or is it?
Research indicates that delicate deepwater corals tolerated or adapted to major climate and salinity fluxes, “yet today, it’s ...
Noam Bedein is the latest activist to confront a problem that has bedeviled Israel — how to ... canal to replenish the Dead Sea with desalinated water from the Red Sea — called the Red-Dead ...
Visitors to the shores of Eilat in the northern Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, during March and April ... Tamar Guy-Haim at Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research (IOLR) and Ben-Gurion University ...
Gaza Pulling the plug on the Gaza Strip's main desalination and water treatment plant has increased the risk of sewage water flooding into civilian areas, the International Committee of the Red Cross ...
Houthi rebels in the Red Sea have been preying on freighter ships since the war between Israel and Hamas broke ... the southern end of the Red Sea," The Wall Street Journal said.
Resumption of attacks in Red Sea, Gulf of Aden will represent severe risk to all vessels An Al Houthi militant stands on the Galaxy Leader cargo ship in the Red Sea in this photo released November ...