Clancy in the house. Let The Games Commence.... The Saturday before Cheltenham. After the last 36 hours, it feels a little like the Saturday after Cheltenham. Which I'm not sure is all good, but hey ...
That are leading into stunningly clear sunny days.... Minus something right now. Windscreen scraping. Fog rolling in. Crunch beneath the feet. Icy puddles. Spring springing....?? The glamour double ...
That goes 1,1,3,2,6,4,1,2 has to drop into the box marked "satisfying....." Epsom air. Bahraini desert air. Good air... The Bahraini boys flying home tomorrow with exciting plans ahead... A runner ...
Of minus plenty at first light. And then clear blue skies. Even a hint of warmth in the noon sun... Beautiful when driving across the Downs just now. Wisps of mist hanging above frozen turf. A red sky ...
When Annie Power slithered nose first to the turf, the sound I heard was utterly unique. Until now... As Ruby slalomed at the buckle end in a desperate attempt to defy logic and gravity, the air was ...
In the Big Brother house... Day 3 filled with drama and tears and shredded dreams and sheer ecstasy. And those Angels in the sky continue to sprinkle the magic dust... The De Bromhead family ripped ...
Atop the Epsom Downs.... A bright red sun creeping over the eastern horizon. Frost on the ground. Early Lots meandering hither and thither. The giant Cruise Ship of a Grandstand aglow in pale pink ...
Another Cotswolds chapter writ bold and mighty... The Annual Pilgrimage to jump racing's Mecca.... Plenty of opinion and conjecture. Several sides to every story. Obviously... Prices at the core. But ...
Dancing across the Gulf. Wind off the sea... Black Range Rovers this morning. Blocking my drive to the racecourse here in Bahrain. The King of somewhere important.... 15 Range Rovers. 14 of them with ...