Recently, President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping announced the appointment of the following new Ambassadors in line with decisions adopted by the Standing Committee of the National ...
Q: It was reported that Israel launched an airstrike on Beirut on September 27 and killed Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. What is China’s comment? A: China is closely following the incident and is ...
Q: On October 1 Beijing time, Israel launched ground offensive in southern Lebanon. In the early morning of October 2, Iran launched military attack against Israel. What’s China’s comment? A: China is ...
In November 2023 in San Francisco, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced an important new initiative, inviting 50,000 young Americans to China for exchange and study over the next five years. The ...
问:北京时间10月1日,以色列对黎巴嫩南部开展地面军事行动。2日凌晨,伊朗对以色列本土进行军事打击。中方对此有何评论? 答:中方对中东局势动荡深感忧虑,反对侵犯黎巴嫩主权、安全 ...
国庆假期来临,许多中国公民来我馆领区各地观光旅行。中国驻洛杉矶总领馆提醒大家积极做好行前准备,注意防范各类风险,保障人身财产安全,度过一个平安愉快的假期。 一、做好来美行前 ...