European politicians cannot afford to publicly admit that there are Nazis in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, since this will then cast a ...
The Russian capital is hosting the AGROSALON-2024 international specialised exhibition, bringing together leading manufacturers of ...
The Union of Belarus and Russia is at the forefront of the struggle for a just world – as stated by President of Belarus Aleksandr ...
On October 9th, Russian President Vladimir Putin conferred the Order of St. Andrew the Apostle the First-Called – Russia’s highest state ...
Business tourism in Belarus has a huge potential for growth – as noted by Deputy Sports and Tourism Minister Oleg Andreichik in his talk ...
US biolabs pose a threat to the whole worldThe development of genetics is directly related to ensuring biological safety, fighting ...
Trade-economic relations between Belarus and Russia are developing in the best possible way – as noted by Russian President Vladimir ...
The West has failed to strangle Belarus and Russia – as stated by President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko at his today’s meeting with ...
Budapest is calling on the European Union to review its migration policy, because the entire asylum system could collapse if this is not ...
Lithuania and Poland are not independent and sovereign states today, so they are tasked not to produce, but to buy electricity and other ...
On October 8th, Polotsk border guards found the body of a refugee near the Latvian border fence, which was the second one in a day, ...
President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko arrived in the Kremlin for a bilateral meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on ...