on the Arabian Peninsula. In their paper published in the journal Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, the group describes the dig location in Jebel Faya, an archaeological site that has ...
The Yemeni militant group's deadline for Israel to lift a blockade of aid to the Gaza Strip passed late Tuesday, triggering ...
Location of the Jebel Faya site ... obtained at Jebel Faya suggest that one of these migrations took place along the southern edge of the Arabian Peninsula around 80,000 years ago. Despite these ...
This tiny African state has such a vital strategic location that most of the world's most powerful militaries have set up ...
The Magan civilisation, often associated with the region of modern-day Oman, played a significant role in the trade networks ...
Scientists who have been exploring the Red Sea have discovered natural death traps in the region now believed to be the location where ... Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. The team speculates ...
These latest discoveries provide new evidence of Suhar’s importance as a bustling maritime and trade centre during antiquity ...
Its strategic location has long positioned it as a pivotal nexus in ... This region, acting as a vital link between Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, and the broader Indian Ocean world, witnessed the ...
Scientists who have been exploring the Red Sea have discovered natural death traps in the region now believed to be the location where ... Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. The team speculates ...
The recent discoveries on Failaka Island, at the entrance of the Persian Gulf, confirm the presence of the Macedonians there, ...