Kentucky Baptists are celebrating a surge in baptisms with 12,654 reported during the past reporting year (ending March 15).
This piece contains analysis of the 2023 Annual Church Profile (ACP). The 2024 ACP data will be released later this year.
It felt like the right thing to keep offering a virtual option for as many activities as possible even after COVID.
Churches in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont grew in the number of congregants by ...
The average Southern Baptist church calls the South home, but the only region of the country where those congregations are ...
Last Sunday was one of the most special days of my life - I had the incredible privilege of baptizing both my son and daughter. As a pastor, baptizing my own children wasn’t just part of my duty; it ...
The church will have its worship service at 11 a.m. Sunday, which is a time for fellowship and praise. Cathedral of the Holy Angels: 640 Tyler St — The Cathedral of the Holy Angels will have a Rite of ...
Roman Catholics connect salvation to participation in church sacraments such as baptism, confirmation, and the Eucharist. Protestant evangelicals, by contrast, emphasize personal faith in Jesus, ...
emerging from the swamp of church history, distinct from other movements, even Congregationalism (with whom, in fact, they shared all doctrines and practices except believers’ baptism). Accounts of ...
The Sacrament of Holy Baptism will be celebrated during the service ... The Rev. Kevin Smith of Wayland Baptist Church, Mathews, will preach at 11 a.m. Sunday in Bethel Baptist Church, Gloucester.
I am trying to understand Jesus’ orientation toward his surroundings because I am reevaluating my relationship with his church. My congregation of 13 years recently dissolved in one of those ...