T he Bathurst 12 Hour may not boast the number of manufacturers of Daytona or Le Mans, but what it does have is a classic 3.86 mile/6.213km circuit that many internationals rate as the best on the ...
The Bentley Motorsport team, in its first Bathurst 12-Hour with two cars, had its No. 10 Continental GT3 in the lead until the penultimate lap and in second place until the final corner, but ...
It marked the elder Grove’s second big Bathurst 12 Hour crash in three years, having come to grief at McPhillamy Park during the third hour in 2023. The team missed last year’s event amid its ...
Some of the biggest names in Australian motorsport are set to line up for the WPS Bathurst 12 Hour Showroom Enduro at Mount Panorama next month. A total of 49 entries have been received for the ...