Sacred Heart Junior School in Killinarden has written to parents saying it faces operating remotely from April 1 ...
The principal of a Dublin school has said it will have to close because it can no longer afford to pay basic bills.
THE principal of a Dublin school has said it will have to close because it can no longer afford to pay basic bills. Sacred ...
Residents of Tallaght in West Dublin have become fitter and healthier over the last 23 years, according to a new report.
The location on the Old Belgard Road is currently sealed off as a forensic and technical examination is carried out ...
Smoking rates have fallen and physical activity is on the rise among people in Tallaght, according to a new survey.
Dublin Circuit Criminal Court heard that Colin Brady (35 ... that Brady was seen acting suspiciously in the toilets of a pub ...
There are 90 minute delays on a major commuter route this evening following a collision. The collision is on the N7 outbound ...
Gardaí have appealed for help in finding Evis Jogaj (24) who has been reported missing from Tallaght, Dublin 24.
The principal of a Dublin school has said it will have to close because it can no longer afford to pay basic bills. Sacred ...