Sacred Heart Junior School in Killinarden has written to parents saying it faces operating remotely from April 1 ...
The principal of a Dublin school has said it will have to close because it can no longer afford to pay basic bills. Sacred ...
The Arc Café Bar in Lucan, Co Dublin, which ignored a young staff member’s claim relating to serious scald injuries at work, ...
To celebrate the Irish holiday on March 17, make chef Anna Haugh's boxty pancakes, coddle and Guinness chocolate cake ...
There are 90 minute delays on a major commuter route this evening following a collision. The collision is on the N7 outbound ...
Sources say the New IRA in Belfast, Armagh, Tyrone, and in the South favour a ceasefire, but that the more independent group ...
According to a note written by the school’s principal, the school has endured a “major financial crisis” for years.
Edward Burns (36) was shot dead and his body found in a car in the Bog Meadows area of west Belfast in the early hours of ...
Ashling McNally told the Central Criminal Court that she was in a relationship with Rachel Redmond's brother Robert Redmond ...
A legal bid to have the case against a man accused of a double murder “stayed” was rejected by a senior judge today.
Founded in 1840, the DSPCA has grown to be the leading and largest animal welfare charity in Ireland over the last 180 years ...
A Dublin worker who did not seek medical attention or report a fall at work died several months later after attending an ...