Turkey’s Atmaca (“Hawk”) anti-ship cruise missile is part of the country’s growing push to rely on domestic systems rather than foreign-produced technologies.
The red coral colonies that were transplanted a decade ago on the seabed of the Medes Islands have survived successfully. They are very similar to the original communities and have contributed to the ...
Ensign Kelsey Mira was recently chosen as one of seven selectees for the Navy’s Law Education Program, a path for active-duty Navy officers to pursue a career as a judge advocate. Mira's parents, ...
Through Decision IG.17/6, they adopted the Ecosystem Approach Roadmap to achieving the Good Environmental Status (GES) of the Mediterranean Sea and Coast. Two out of the seven steps indicated in the ...
AFP becomes one of the main source for international news. We've got various news from around the world. I can say that AFP news content is diverse and credible, and they can fit with the ...
The latest webinar in Fish Farmer’s Aqua Agenda series focused on Technology, Remote Monitoring and Artificial Intelligence. Our co-host for the event was Krucial, which has developed connectivity and ...