It's been a longstanding complaint among the Poke-fandom that Ash remained a 10-year-old boy through the entirety of his saga ...
Pokémon's new poster hints at a potentially horrific fate for one of its major characters, but will the anime actually commit ...
The next stage of the Pokemon anime offers fans something that was not available in the original Pokemon show starring Ash.
Recent reports indicate that the new Pokemon anime series has a time skip planned for its next season, breaking a franchise's ...
Fans have speculated the fate of one major character in Pokemon Horizons since the reveal of the latest opening.
Lego announced that it will sell Pokemon building block sets, joining the likes of the Nanoblock and Mega Blok ones available.
Some recent Pokemon leaks reveal that the newer anime's original concept could have focused more on cameos than the current ...
Since Pokemon’s inception, fans have been eager to dive into the universe, and now, they’ll get to construct it, too. Pokemon ...
This breaks from a long-established tradition of the Pokemon anime series ... move for the new era of the show to age its main characters. A talented Pokemon fan creates dragon-inspired versions ...
Mega Voltage, the next chapter in the Pokemon Horizons branch of the ongoing new anime series ... shows off the fresh designs of its main characters – and even some (spoilery) evolutions ...
Naruto' is the anime that takes the top spot on the platform in 2024, proving just how indestructible Kishimoto's work is.
Pokémon TCG Heat Wave Arena is a small but mighty set, featuring impeccable art. Here are the 10 most expensive Heat Wave Arena chase cards.