Here’s a pedigree to not just observe but to look up to. The post Dale Jr.'s Legacy Lives On as the Earnhardt Family Finds ...
In the hallowed garages of NASCAR, where the smell of burning rubber and gasoline forms the perfume of legends, two names ...
Martha, born in 1930, married the first generation of NASCAR drivers from the Earnhardt family Ralph Earnhardt in 1947. After their marriage Ralph and Martha had five children; daughters Kaye and ...
The Earnhardts have a long history at Hickory Motor Speedway. Miller's great-grandfather, Ralph Earnhardt, won five track championships, and his grandfather, Dale Sr., won multiple races at the 0. ...
Growing up, Danny Earnhardt Sr. worked preparing cars for his father, dirt-track and NASCAR racer Ralph Earnhardt, who died in 1973. “The Earnhardt family holds a special place in NASCAR history ...