All-female team explores a promising compound against this ‘essentially incurable’ disease Society has no shortage of metaphors for cancer. Oncologist Siddhartha Mukherjee famously titled his ...
A seastar that specializes in living on pieces of wood that have fallen into the ocean is among the top 10 new marine species ...
Scientists have captured stunning video of a dinner-plate-size sea spider crawling on the seafloor off the South Sandwich ...
You know that unsettling feeling you get when you're swimming in a freshwater body, and some underwater plant grazes your ...
Fans of reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates packed the Saratoga Springs City Center this weekend. Before you click away, ...
This strange and mesmerizing sea creature can age in reverse when times get tough, in a move that would make Benjamin Button ...
Sensors attached to animals gather valuable data to track and mitigate the human influence on marine life. A Kobe University ...