When trying to improve, refine, and seek more efficiency in disaster management measures, predicting the extent of disaster ...
Patients rated ChatGPT’s accuracy as comparable with that of specialist surgeons, but experts warn of hallucinations and ...
Founded by UGA graduate Natalia Gonzalez, the first annual Atlanta International AI Film Festival (AIAIFF) is scheduled to ...
School districts across the Bay Area are facing financial crises from declining enrollment, with many turning to school ...
Patients struggling with hard-to-detect conditions, such as long COVID; or with symptoms whose causes modern medical testing ...
Assistant professor Saga Tatsuya of the Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, who is captivated by hornets ...
The executive director for the Syracuse Hancock International Airport says they’re aware of the delays happening at baggage ...
Retired Edwards Lifesciences Engineering SVP Ming Wu answers questions about nitinol manufacturing, testing and medical ...
As the interim CEO of the TTC, Greg Percy has overseen months of lengthy slowdowns and closures of Toronto’s subway, the ...
Better sleep, less stress, stronger immune system—are these the results of a better diet? Exercise? It's just "good sex." ...
Six candidates are vying to become the next mayor of Sugar Land in the May 3 election. Mayor Joe Zimmerman, who took office ...
An Australian father who fears one more rent increase will leave his family homeless has confronted the health minister on television about his government’s immigration policies.