Uddrag fra finanshuse Up until last week’s jobs report, virtually nobody expected tomorrow’s CPI print to be even remotely ...
I 20 sider rapport hedder det, at”Twenty-nine percent of CEOs are very optimistic or optimistic about the global economy, ...
Green Hydrogen Systems A/S initiates significant cost-out and restructuring initiatives, adjusts guidance for 2024 and seeks ...
Forskere skriver i forskningspapir, at “in the United States, 741 billionaires collectively hold a staggering $5.2 trillion ...
The initiative will launch in six cities across five continents Interventions aim to increase physical activity and healthy ...
After weakness in the Manufacturing surveys, this morning’s Services sector surveys were yet another hope-filled data point to support the soft-landing narrative. S&P Global’s US Services PMI was ...
The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) checks the background of illegal aliens they have in custody. But, the administration’s letter to Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-TX) shows that as of July 21, ...
Omverdensforhold og markedet er turbulente: CEO’erne frygter, at deres ledelsesteam ikke kan håndtere det, og ledelsesteamet ...
Uddrag fra Zerohedge: For the 52nd straight month, core consumer prices rose on a MoM basis in September (+0.3% MoM – hotter ...
Uddrag fra Zerohedge. Continuing jobless claims also spiked from 1.816mm to 1.861mm Americans… Source: Bloomberg Finally, of ...
Kl 14.30 er der kommet flere ekstremt vigtige nøgletal fra USA. Både omkring arbejdsløshed og inflation peger de den forkerte ...
“The slowdown in global manufacturing seen over the past few months deepened in September. After having risen to a two-year ...