UPDATED, Thursday: Walter Sofronoff KC has lodged an appeal against the ACT Integrity Commission’s findings that he engaged ...
The ACT Integrity Commission found former Queensland judge Walter Sofronoff, KC, “significantly compromised the integrity” of ...
The ACT Government has 30 days to produce the current estimated cost of light rail Stage 2B to Woden after the Legislative ...
A legal bid to skewer corruption findings against retired judge Walter Sofronoff argues he could not be held in contempt of his own inquiry.
SWEATY, out of breath and topless – it’s not how most of us picture the first meeting with our future husband.  But for women ...
Walter Sofronoff engaged in 'corrupt conduct' while he led the 2023 inquiry into Bruce Lehrmann's prosecution, a report has ...
The NCAA championships get started on Thursday inside the Wells Fargo Arena in Philadelphia. The event finishes up on ...
Tyrese Mignott, aged 24, from Great Barr was found guilty of possessing a firearm with intent to endanger life ...
The ACT Integrity Commission has made the finding against Walter Sofronoff, KC, who oversaw the inquiry into the aborted rape ...
The ACT Integrity Commission has found the former supreme court justice who led an inquiry into the criminal rape trial of ...
On a busy track and field night, Ocoee, Edgewater and Windermere won boys meets, and Lake Nona, Olympia and Jones won girls ...
In the summer of 2023, a group of Agawam High School teachers began working on an innovative project to improve teaching and ...