Most secularists believe that these religious apocalyptic visions of the future are absurd, although many secularists themselves fervently believe that artificial intelligence, run away genetic ...
A Palestinian evangelical Christian leader had earlier spoken, calling the movement ‘a heretical replacement theology that ...
If anyone is qualified to be America's ambassador to Israel, it is Mike Huckabee. As the former two-term governor of Arkansas ...
Newly excavated site in Ostia Antica, dating as early as the 3rd century CE, offers fresh insight and new enigmas about the ...
Israel, for me, is not just a place to live—it’s a place to inspire and to ensure that the future of Judaism is as vibrant as ...
New radiocarbon dating at grand Huqoq sanctuary near Tiberias puts its construction after the empire embraced Christianity, ...
If the West is going to survive as a semi-concrete entity and not either be subsumed into an amorphous global neoliberal blob or be conquered by wokeism and Islamism, it is imperative that its core ...
The Trump administration and Israel approached the governments of Sudan and Somalia, and have also been interested in Syria, ...
The patriarchs in the Bible were the fathers of the nation of Israel: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Through these three men, the ...
An ancient Megillat Esther scroll dating back to the 19th century, bearing rare stamps from the community of Gaza expatriates ...
What America's founding father Benjamin Rush can teach about challenging the denial of Jewish identity and history and ...
The conjecture that the Irish, like the other inhabitants of the British Isles are of Hebrew extraction has for many ...