The owner of the Keeler Building, 56 N. Division Ave., must repair the building within 60 days or pay fees, city officials ...
A historic building in downtown Grand Rapids has been condemned after city officials say multiple code violations were found.
With the official start of spring right around the corner, moles are starting to make a mess of things in lawns and parks around West Michigan.
The city of Grand Rapids is scheduled to hold its 11th annual Neighborhood Summit, and residents are invited to share their ...
Plans for some of the parks include new playgrounds, dog parks, equestrian trails, open shelters, expanded beach areas and ...
A Fun Place for Everyone If you’re looking for something cool to do in Grand Rapids, Michigan, give the Grand Rapids Public ...
First Avenue has been an emerging priority area for years, and now a plan recently approved by the Cedar Rapids City Council ...
A nonprofit affordable housing provider is putting shovels in the ground this month on a project that will replace a vacant ...