Several hundred bees in rural Pennsylvania and rural New York are sporting tiny QR codes on their backs. More than the latest ...
Want to know the core plants you can grow to add beauty while helping beneficial garden friends? Discover the best ...
Arndt says honeybees from nearby colonies often raid the nest in his backyard in an attempt to steal its honey ... photos will open people’s eyes to the mostly hidden beauty of wild bees.
Bumblebees have awakened from their winter hibernation earlier than expected due to climate change and a warm winter, ...
Bees do not create honey; they are actually improving upon a plant product, nectar. The honey we eat is nectar that bees have repeatedly regurgitated and dehydrated. The average American consumes ...
And it is bees, be they farmed honeybees, or the more than 20,000 different wild bee species, such as bumble bees, that do the heavy lifting. Why insects are so crucial to life on Earth In the US ...
"Climate chaos" has caused widespread losses of bumblebees across continents, according to scientists. A new analysis shows the likelihood of a bee being found in any given place in Europe and ...