We are aware of what is happening in the IOR, and we know who is doing what, where, why and how,” Admiral Dinesh K Tripathi ...
Three cyclones have battered Mozambique in three months, pounding one of the world's most impoverished regions, pushing ...
Minister of earth sciences Jitendra Singh said that decaying phase of El Niño is the most influential mode contributing to ...
The iguanas' 8,000-kilometer trip — one-fifth of the Earth’s circumference — is the longest made by a flightless land vertebrate.
The Earth has seven continents that were once part of Pangaea, with Asia being the largest, Australia the smallest, and ...
Bankrolled by a group of investors, a series of islets were sculpted with hundreds of high-end properties, now enjoyed by ...
How does India’s water diplomacy balance regional cooperation with its national and strategic interests, especially in ...
Dr Mahmood Kooria is an internationally acclaimed historian and researcher who recently won the Infosys award for social ...
In a significant gesture, PM Narendra Modi immersed the water from the Sangam in Prayagraj into the Ganga Talao, also known ...
It covers nearly three-quarters of our planet but the ocean floor is less mapped than the moon, an astonishing fact driving a ...