Out of the public eye, Mark Zuckerberg identifies with libertarianism — or at least that's according to the few sources privy to his private political thoughts. As Zuckerberg attempts to ...
A new profile of mega-billionaire Mark Zuckerberg in last week’s New York Timesidentifies America’s richest millennial (he owns 1/50th of all millennial wealth in the US) as a Libertarian ...
Pavel Durov, often referred to as "Russia's Mark Zuckerberg" since the social network ... Durov, an iconoclastic libertarian, told Hakim that he's wary of the way Putin views the internet and ...
Durov, 28, the founder of VK.com, is also a libertarian who has often clashed with the government — but never like this. Durov and his colleagues deny being part of any hit-and-run, however ...