When Moses comes down from Mount Sinai, he’s holding the rules by which they were to live and sees this golden calf party.
The Red Planet and its tiny moon Deimos were recorded at a very near distance as the asteroid-chasing spacecraft completed a flyby on Wednesday.
Struggling to trust God's plan? Discover how God's faithfulness was revealed even in a seemingly hopeless situation in Exodus ...
It is so special to connect with our kiddos by watching a movie based on a book from It's so special to connect with our ...
In the heart of Nigeria 39;s ever-evolving socio-political landscape, a new name has emerged, resonating with defiance, ...
A number of bible verses appear to make reference to solar eclipses, conveying messages of prophecies, power, omens, warnings, and divine signs.
When He had finished speaking with him on Mount Sinai, He gave Moses the two tablets of the testimony, stone tablets, written ...
It’s a spectacular true story. When we step into the Israelite’s sandals, applying it to our lives, we gain insight and ...
Costa Smeralda, one of the company’s twin flagships, is currently plying the waters around the Persian Gulf, taking in ...
When Belle's father is imprisoned by the Beast, she offers to take his place, leading to an unexpected and heartwarming tale ...
The Houthis announced this week that they would attack any Israeli ship that sails in the vicinity of Yemen, including the ...
About 20 years ago, one of my uncles took me to what felt like the middle of nowhere to an area known as Mulberry Gap in Tennessee, not but a few miles from the Virginia border. My late uncle showed ...