Binning gum is not the solution either. Addressing gum as a plastic pollutant dictates that the prevention of gum pollution should include the well-known tenets, like all plastic pollution, of reduce, ...
About 100 million metric tons of high-density polyethylene (HDPE), one of the world's most commonly used plastics, are ...
It was a few years ago when scientists discovered microplastics in the human bloodstream for the first time. More recent findings have highlighted how humans are exposed to these particles by just ...
International Delight coffee creamer recall: 75,000+ bottles pulled over spoilage concerns. Check your fridge—find out which ...
The Mona Lisa. Marilyn Monroe. The Asheville city skyline at sunset. Frankenstein. The Statue of Liberty. A Campbell’s soup can. The 42-year-old Jamestown artist’s medium, however, is not so familiar.
A team of chemists has recently introduced an eco-friendly, solvent-free approach to recycling plastic by using moisture ...
This week, the FDA set the second highest risk level for a recall of two flavors of International Delight coffee creamer.
"Seems much easier to tell with glass straws cuz [they're] see-through." User sparks debate after sharing photo of unusual ...
A groundbreaking study from the University of Kansas has uncovered a troubling connection between bisphenol A (BPA)—a chemical commonly found in plastic water bottles and cups—and the onset of ...
Campen had not been surprised when the water samples they collected from around Albuquerque, where they lived, were full of ...