Signs at a Trowbridge car park have been altered by a pen-wielding parking vigilante. The St Stephens Place car park has been at the centre of motoring controversy in the town over the course of the ...
Motorists have been urged to think twice before leaving their car in a popular location to avoid penalties including a ...
The hike in tourist taxes comes after a summer of discontent last year in which thousands of locals marched in Palma during ...
Louise Graham was hit with a fine and taken to the small claims court over allegations that she had overstayed the free parking limit at ...
If we hear nothing within ten days we’ll be back,' say the self-proclaimed 'peasant' residents who are up in arms at move to ...
Without a doubt, parking ... a car park. This arbitrary and unfair timescale was permitted under the industry’s own rules. But the story touched a nerve with the public and the private parking ...
Five Money blog readers got in touch with their car parking problems. We talk them through what they should do next.
A new rule has come into force for private car parks in Britain that will give drivers longer to pay for parking - and could save them around £4.1 million per day. Drivers will no longer be ...
Motorists using private car parks will no longer ... difference to drivers.” Private parking businesses have been accused of using misleading and confusing signs, aggressive debt collection ...
The controversial rule meant drivers had to pay for parking within five minutes of entering the car ... day by private companies who have been accused of using misleading and confusing signs ...
When parking in a private car park ... clear to you or if a breach of rules was unavoidable, for example if signs in the car park were unclear or if all ticket machines in the area were faulty ...