The last person believed to have seen the missing University of Pittsburgh student has offered new details about the morning ...
The juvenile fish recently hatched from eggs that scientists deposited in the gravelly riverbed of the North Yuba River last ...
For Yuni Rizkiah, swimming in the ocean never came easily. Growing up in Sumbawa, she was terrorized by stories of water demons and serpents as a child, told by her father—not out of malice ...
Redditors vowed 'never' to swim outside a pool again after a video showed what happened when a man threw some food off an oil rig and into the ocean.
While the risk of any negative interaction with a shark is incredibly low, Naylor recommends a few simple ways to reduce your risk of being bitten by a shark while swimming in the ocean ...
Drowning is the leading cause of death for children in the state, but efforts to address the problem have been mostly left up ...
Newcastle long-distance ocean swimmer Craig Clarke has given his all in a double crossing attempt of NZ's Cook Strait to mark his 60th birthday. After swimming from the North to the South Island ...