PennyMac Mortgage Trust is rated a hold despite its 10.94% yield. Click here to find out why I rate PMT a Hold.
Wells Fargo sued JPMorgan and Meyer Chetrit, alleging the lender and borrower on a national multifamily deal knew a $481 ...
Ellington Financial offers a high 11% yield but has a history of dividend cuts due to interest rate fluctuations and ...
Mortgage rates dropped to the lowest level in five months, luring more home buyers into the housing market.
These are today's mortgage and refinance rates. Mortgage rates have been up and down this week as investors weigh the possibility of a recession.
Mortgage demand for both homebuying and refinancing reacted to yet another drop in mortgage rates, which are now down for the ...
MassHousing has named its top 2024 mortgage loan originators in Barnstable County. MassHousing finances mortgages for creditworthy homebuyers in Massachusetts with incomes up to 135% of the area ...
The Nevada State Legislature is hearing a bill that would create a pilot program aimed at reducing interest rates on mortgage ...
Since so many people need mortgages to purchase homes, the volume of mortgage loan originations acts as a barometer of the ...
The REIT is reportedly preparing to sell a $1B collateralized loan obligation primarily backed by hospitality, apartment and ...
A Wells Fargo lawsuit alleges JPMorgan and Chetrit Group knew historical net operating income reported in loan documents was "dramatically inflated." ...
Some might be. In general, most closing costs are not tax-deductible. This is because the IRS regards them as part of the ...