13 марта 2025 года компания "Связь и Радионавигация" провела шестую профильную конференцию, собравшую судовладельцев и ...
Satellite Compass SC-110 provides accurate readings course on hundreds of vessels around the world, providing all the information about the direction and position of the vessel (ground speed (SOG), ...
Designed to convert the voltage from 21V DC to 32V DC to 12.5 V DC or 15 V DC (depending on the position of the W301 switch inside the unit). The converter has short-circuit protection at the output, ...
Наша компания имеет большой склад б/у товаров, который содержит более 5000 позиций. Среди прочего вы можете заказать ". АИС ТРАНЗАС Т101 VDU Б.
**Пассажирские суда, совершающие международные рейсы, должны быть оборудованы регистратором данных рейса независимо от размера. **В РДР/У ...
The JRC JMA-5322-7BB radar system is part of the JMA-5300MKII line developed by JRC. This model is equipped with a seven-foot antenna and features the introduction of the latest technologies that ...
Все морские и речные суда должны соответствовать требованиям Глобальной морской системы предупреждения о бедствии и безопасности (ГМССБ).
XSONIC airmar SS75M - provides detection of bottom depths of up to 3000 meters, with great accuracy and resolution. A single converter provides total bandwidth up to 80 kHz in just one installation.
KU-band KNS Z15 MK2 is a maritime satellite VSAT system with a 150 cm antenna suitable for installation on large ships. The increased reliability and robustness of the system guarantees safety in all ...
The publication contains in Russian and English the text of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended by the 1988 Protocol thereto, and includes all amendments ...
Magnetron M1475A - compact, durable and easy to work in the X-ray range radar system at frequencies of 9345 - 9405MGts with a peak power output of 25kW. If the input power is larger than 25 W, the ...
STV- 160 - VHF radiotelephone apparatus bilateral approved by the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping for use on vessels , as emergency equipment , the Russian River Register of Shipping for use on ...