Stanford President Jon Levin and Provost Jenny Martinez sent out a university-wide email detailing a hiring freeze for all staff at Stanford, citing significant financial uncertainties stemming from ...
Earlier today, a Stanford class ironically entitled “Democracy and Disagreement” hosted a debate on a potential wealth tax between UC Berkeley Professor Emmanuel Saez and former Treasury Secretary and ...
Russia declared war on Ukraine. A complex and multi-faceted operation, Russia launched a series of simultaneous attacks along ...
When John Winthrop led the first wave of settlers to New England he gave a sermon to his fellow Puritans, speaking of America as a future example to the world: “We shall be as a city upon a hill.” Yet ...
A recent online dust-up between Hoover Institution historian Niall Ferguson and Vice President J.D. Vance perfectly captures ...
In the 1970s, the snail darter, an unassuming, two-inch-long fish, became one of the most controversial symbols of environmental protection in American history. Declared endangered under the ...