Laboratory glassware is specifically designed for scientific work. However, by design it is also fragile and can easily break and cause injuries in the process. There have been many lab accidents at ...
Congratulations! You are about to start the process toward one of the best experiences of your life: study abroad. Studying abroad is a phenomenal opportunity, but it does take some work – which is ...
It is everyone’s responsibility to promptly report any accidents, injuries, incidents of concern or damage to property to Risk Management in a timely fashion. In the event of an emergency, call 911 or ...
This list of questions and answers is designed to help parking customers use parking resources effectively and avoid common pitfalls. Successful parking is defined as: finding a space where my permit ...
Each year hundreds of UVM students study abroad in a range of different programs around the world. Let the Office of International Education help find the best program for you. Many students are able ...
Faculty, staff, or commuter students, who find it necessary to leave their car on campus overnight due to University business, must notify Transportation and Parking Services. Transportation and ...
Employing international students can be beneficial for your office or organization. In addition to discipline-specific skills that they have learned in the classroom, they often bring foreign language ...
The University of Vermont is proud to host exchange students from our many partner institutions and networks overseas. Students attend the University of Vermont for one or two semesters as part of ...
X-ray diffraction (XRD) and x-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis equipment both generate high intensity ionizing radiation that can cause severe and permanent injury if any body is exposed to the primary ...
Riding home with a friend is a cost-effective option. Consider sharing the cost of gas. Even if you can’t carpool all the way home, you could arrange to be dropped off at a bus, train, plane, or ...
Each culture has different attitudes and expectations about gender roles and gender identity. Some cultures are much more strict about the separation of gender roles and the ways that people of ...
Campus parking requires a valid University of Vermont parking permit. Employees or Affiliated Organization employees may be asked to provide a valid ID or proof of employment in order to verify ...