Fish of the Great Barrier Reef | Great Barrier Reef Australia
The most common species of Wrasse found in the Great Barrier Reef is the Humphead or Maori Wrasse, a fish with a very distinctive feature – the large hump on their forehead. They are one of the largest fish found in the reef and can be identified by …
Famous fish of the Great Barrier Reef - Barrier Reef Australia
Meet Wally the Giant Maori Wrasse, one of the famous fish of the Great Barrier Reef in Cairns Tropical North Queensland. Book a tour to go snorkelling the reef where Wally hangs out 1300 231 118
‘The Great 8’ - Great Barrier Reef Foundation
Jul 22, 2021 · The potato cod usually weighs in at less than 100kg but its cousin, the Queensland grouper or giant grouper, is the largest bony fish found on the Great Barrier Reef, known to grow to more than 2m long and weigh up to 400kg.
The Great Eight - Barrier Reef Australia
The Great Eight are the Great Barrier Reef’s living icons. They range from mammals to fish, reptiles to molluscs. Book a Whale Watching tour, dive with sharks, swim with turtles and rays - experience a truly unforgettable encounter.
Discover 10 Incredible Fish That Live Around the Great Barrier Reef
Apr 8, 2023 · In total, more than 1,500 fish species call the reef home, as well as whales, dolphins, and dugongs. Let’s take a close look at ten incredible fish that live around the Great Barrier Reef. 1. Clownfish. Most people recognize clownfish as the titular characters from Pixar’s Finding Nemo franchise.
The Great Eight of the Great Barrier Reef
This native species is the largest bony fish in the Great Barrier Reef and can grow up to 2metre long! They have distinct brown marks along their bodies that look like, well you guessed it, potatoes. Just like the Maori wrasse, these large fish are incredibly friendly, and known to chase around divers like puppies!
Great Barrier Reef - List of fishes - Fishipedia
Arothron stellatus is one of the giants among pufferfish. It is easily recognizable by its dark markings. Typically solitary, this species frequents sandy areas of lagoons and offshore reefs. It is a copepod predator that supplements its diet with various crustaceans and fish eggs.
Potato Cod on the Great Barrier Reef – Dive with Friendly Giants
Gentle Giants of the Reef —The Potato Cod (Epinephelus tukul) is a large, friendly fish that can grow up to 1.8 metres long and weigh over 100kg, making it one of the most impressive species on the Great Barrier Reef.
Manta Ray Facts - Great Barrier Reef Foundation
The largest of all rays and one of the largest fish in the ocean, find out about the majestic manta ray and their life on the Great Barrier Reef.
Great Barrier Reef fish
Enter the stealthy realm of predator fish that prowl the Reef, like the cunning Moray Eel, hiding among the crevices, and the powerful Giant Trevally, known as the “gangsters” of the Reef. Witness the incredible strategies they employ to catch their prey. Join the adorable Anemonefish in their unique relationship with sea anemones.